The Most Effective Way To Earn Your Dog’s Respect

You can’t have a clean house with an untrained puppy. Many people do not know effective training techniques. You can find solid advice in many places, beginning with this article.

Consistency is very important when you are crate training your puppy. Always give the pup the option to go to the bathroom after leaving his crate. The dog will grow his bladder so he can hold it for longer and longer this way.

Try not to reinforce bad behaviors from your dog. Don’t give praise or treats to your dog if it does something wrong. For instance, do not pet the dog lovingly if it jumps on you the minute you arrive home if this is something you are attempting to cure.

A number of repetitions will be necessary before your dog will be able to master a new command. You might have to keep repeating something to a dog as much as fifty times for it to ‘click’. Just remember to keep trying and be patient. Eventually, your dog will learn.

Use an even tone when commanding your dogs. The tone should be firm, so your dog understands that you are issuing a command, not a suggestion. Doing this also ensures that your dog will know the difference between your “you’re in trouble” voice and your “do as I say” voice.

Putting your dog on a regular schedule of feeding and walks will help to regulate his system, so he will be easier to house train. Then you will be aware when your dog needs to go outside to use the bathroom. This helps your puppy learn to “hold it” for a bit, until he knows it’s time to go out and will help save you money on carpet cleaning.

So, do you think you have what it takes? Take these ideas and begin employing them in your training sessions. Nothing is better than a well-trained dog. It’s a rewarding experience, but it’s also one that requires patience. Years into your relationship, you will be glad you made the effort. Choose those tips that work best with your unique dog and circumstances.

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